
Jessica Quizhpilema 

Professor Hoehne 

Fairy Tales and Rewritings 

12 December 2019

                                                    Last Reflection 

               Before entering college and beginning this semester, I was unsure of how this semester was going to go. I was slightly afraid but I came into this class with an open mind, and I’m glad I did because this class has allowed me to grow in more ways than one. I have grown in my writing skills and I have been working to get better throughout this semester. I have grown mentally and have formed good relationships with other classmates. 

                The purpose of my literacy narrative was to explain and give an example of the barrier that we have between language. From me talking with my grandmother and her not understanding myself and the struggle I had with expressing myself. I wanted to show that this barrier is clear and makes it difficult for both parties that are speaking. Language has everything to with us in our everyday lives. Understanding that barrier and trying to get through it is important and that what I wanted to portray. I tried to use a description when it came to the storytelling part of my writing. I tried to make my group partners imagine what was going as if they were there as well. I also tried to have a title that made them inquisitive as to what I’ll be talking about. As to why the color pink is so interesting that the story was titled that.

                 The purpose of my exploratory essay was to highlight the ideals that are portrayed in Sleeping Beauty and other similar fairy tales. These unrealistic ideals of women and how they are to be these passive, frail and incompetent women. I know that in our modern world we can see what is imperfect in these tales but bringing it up can add more to the discussion. I wanted to show the many other people that have seen the passivity and other similar characteristics within these stories. Having them shown through the other perspective in a way clarifies things even more. This essay was written for anyone questioning any of these stories, whether they have the same perspective. I want people to see this as an add on to fairy tales, not to lessen their popularity but to cause them to have something more to talk about. Not to just focus on the beautiful princess or heroine but to question them. To understand why some things are written the way they are. Within this writing, I tried to include as much evidence as I could get from my sources. Throughout all this I wanted those reading some points onto the idea of sleeping beauty itself. 

                   The purpose of my RCA  was to give myself a further look into my original idea of these fairy tales, more so the tale of Sleeping Beauty. Also, to further explain and explore my view of passivity within Sleeping Beauty. Within this Research Critical Analysis, I wanted to explain the idea that these tales’ passivity is no longer a necessity in a world as modern as ours. These tales have been around for a long time and looking at them is interesting, but the tales have aspects of life that are now not seen as incorrect. Times change but these stories still hold sustenance. The essay’s ideas were taken from my Exploratory essay but were mostly based on sources I had obtained for my Annotated Bibliography. The sources I had collected helped me have a broader understanding of my perception of Sleeping Beauty. 

                     The sources that I collected also allowed me to look at my idea through someone else’s interpretation. When writing my essay I felt that my argument was clear as well as a strong argument. I feel that the counterarguments that I made helped my argument stronger. One can’t always have everyone agree with them because everyone has a perception of things. The sources I used helped me look more into what I was writing about. If I were to give my essay to a stranger I feel as though they would understand the argument I am pointing out. 

                     When writing this I feel comfortable with the MLA formatting. I do have some struggle with writing the work cited page. I feel that now I am better at citing items for my essays. When first working with MLA this semester it was more troubling because it felt different from high school. I may have been writing my MLA format incorrectly during high school and wasn’t aware of it. I now know that there is no comma when citing an author and the page number. I believed that that was correct. 

                      This semester went by a lot faster than I thought it would go. I am glad I chose to take this class because it has allowed me to see these tales through more than just one point of view. This semester was the beginning of my future endeavors and gives me new ways of working through my writings.